XХХ International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
July 01-05, 2024, St.Petersburg, Russia
Author's Index
Author: Penner I.E. (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia)
List of reports:
- S.V. Samoilova, Yu.S. Balin, I.E. Penner, G.P. Kokhanenko
Correctness of aerosol parameters estimation in the presence of an extreme layer in the lower troposphere 
- Balin Yu.S., Klemasheva M.G., Kokhanenko G.P., Nasonov S.V., Novoselov M.M., Penner I.E.
Results of observations of the features of the daily dynamics of the spatial structure of atmospheric aerosol in the mountain basin of Lake Baikal 
- Balin Yu.S, Klemasheva M.G., Nasonov S.V., Penner I.E., Khodzher T.V., Zhamsueva G.S.
Results of experimental studies of aerosol in the atmosphere over Lake Baikal using LOSA series lidars 